Our Story

Greetings! My name is William Robert Stoy IV… But people call me Billy.

I am the steward of South Mountain Maker. As a son of a seasoned roofer, I grew up in the trades. My parents encouraged me to pursue an education in my passion for counseling, which I did while working to make my way. I discovered a knack and admiration for custom carpentry, remodeling, and repair work. I love to fix broken things and make beautiful things. I am always learning and growing and I strive to live and work in a way that honors God, my customers, and my community.

I have a vision for raising up men in the trades to meet the needs of our community and to work with excellence and integrity. I have a passion for unique, custom builds and designs. Where artistry and quality craftsmanship come together. I hope to help build a good reputation for tradesmen in our community and develop a network of trustworthy craftsmen and service technicians.

My brother is such a man and he runs a local landscaping company called Abundant Lawn & Garden. He and his wife, Megan, along with me and my lovely wife, Lauren, are working together to make a beautiful life. We are building a small homestead in the Lehigh Valley for our growing families. We are self-employed, entrepreneurs, building businesses and participating in our local community. We are builders and makers. Let’s make something beautiful!

“For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” - Hebrews 11:10